Reflections on Caregiving

New Year’s Day often brings a time of reflection, and for some, a time for establishing resolutions for change. My life tends not to be stable enough to attempt to create resolutions for change. However, I have been indulging in reflection quite a bit.

I’ve been thinking back over how my role as a caregiver has changed over the years and the impact that it had on my marital relationship and my health. When Lynn and I first married, I knew his father had died of MS complications, but Lynn claimed to have no symptoms himself of the disease. We know now that he had several early signs of MS that he and his doctor failed to recognize.

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3 thoughts on “Reflections on Caregiving”

  1. A happier New year to you, Donna.I am so thrilled that you were able to retire to get some relief. This blog was particularly hard to digest, one that loves another would be hard pressed to admit these feelings and regret. But you are showing it can and need to be said for them not to fester and then explode to no good place.
    God help us and bless us all in this caregiving journey because someone has to go thru and someone’s got to endure for other caregivers to see hope
    My God, yes it’s hard but thank God when light shines thru to help us to the next moment. God help us to see those streaks of light and embrace them
    My encouragement and light comes when others have watched me struggle to get my husband in the car, for example, and walk over to me and say “what I would give for one more day to push my husband so I can have another moment with him. By the way my husband is a tall handsome sleek 6’5 and me 5 ft 1. He no longer walks has lost use of his right dominant side but God is teaching me how to operate in love AND looongsuffering thru it all. Only He can teach that lesson and we be successful. God help us all!

  2. Thank you, Ernestine, for your words of encouragement. I hope this new year will find you and your husband in a good place building strong memories together, supporting one another, and continuing to love one another as one throughout this new year. God bless you both. Donna

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