Handling Difficult Situations

Many caregivers must handle the difficult situation of having a family member with a physical illness complicated by an emotional reaction that interferes with their care—think of the Alzheimer’s patient who has a heart attack, for instance. Often, the sick will lash out at their caregiver to the point of becoming aggressive. Though the family member may know what they are doing, occasionally, their behavior is a product of their illness or medication. Therefore, you need to know how to care for your family member’s physical needs and how to handle difficult emotional situations, too.

Family members with memory disorders may experience sundowning symptoms and display behaviors such as putting their shoe in microwave oven thinking it's their closet.

Behaviors & Emotions

Some family members have a mental health diagnosis with symptoms that create challenges for the caregiver. Family members who have mental health or memory disorders exhibit various symptoms. Knowing how to handle emotional outbursts and changes in personality can be confusing and frightening for caregivers.

The information provided throughout the “How to Handle Difficult Situations” section provides guidelines and suggestions on what might work in emotional situations; however, keep in mind that every person and every environment is different. Try a variety of techniques to find what works best for your situation.

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