Caregiver Resources

When I started as a caregiver, I found it frustrating to use products designed for the hospital environment in providing care at home.  They simply did not work well. Therefore, I became creative. I began looking for similar products in non-medical supply aisles. I discovered that many companies provide products that work just as well and at a lower cost! I reached out to some of those companies to offer them the opportunity to share their products with you in addition to medical supply companies.

In addition, I have directories to government websites, condition-specific organizations, and much more on the pages below.


Becoming a Family Caregiver provides three Directories to assist caregivers in quickly finding the resources they need in getting answers to their daily caregiving challenges.

Community Resources – Agencies, private companies, and other community resources that provide services to caregivers or patients for free or sponsorship. All proceeds made go back into keeping their agencies running.

Public Resources – Local, state, or federal agencies and their affiliates that provide services to or on behalf of patients or caregivers.

Disease or Condition-Specific Resources – Organizations that provide education and information about medical conditions, injuries, or diseases without the goal of profiting from the contact with the interaction. This does not include companies that acquire clients for cases, fees for service, or payments. 

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Commerical Products

When I started as a caregiver, I found it frustrating to use products designed for the hospital environment in providing care at home. They did not work well. Therefore, I became creative. I began looking for similar products in non-medical supply aisles. I discovered that many companies provide products that work just as well and at a lower cost! So, I reached out to some of those companies to offer medical and non-medical supply companies the opportunity to share their products with you.

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