
Once individuals become caregivers, all their former close relationships seem to change. People who know them well treat them differently. Some go out of their way to try to help and do because they’ve been there and know what you’re going through – they’re a Godsend. Unfortunately, some want to help but have no idea what to do and end up only getting in the way.  Others put on an act of caring using phrases that are supposed to make you feel better but don’t stick when tossed your way.

Then your employer extends compassion only if you have medical leave or your creditors who could care less about your crisis and only know you missed the due date. Each relationship has an impact on you as a caregiver. Read more on how they impact your life, both good and bad.

Family Relationships

Becoming a family caregiver involves changes in every aspect of your life. However, the relationship you have with your family and the person receiving care from you changes most. The information included under “Family Relationships” provides insights and suggestions on how to deal with those changes and help make these necessary transitions smoother.

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Caregivers can be victims of abuse, too.

Other Relationships

In addition to interactions with family members changing, caregivers find how people at work, in their community groups, in church, and in other places start treating them differently. Suddenly people find it more difficult to talk to them.  The conversation always starts with, “How is…,” and they tend to excuse themselves to move on to someone else to find a more pleasant conversation topic. People do not like sadness, and caregivers often look tired and overwhelmed. Their body language speaks volumes, sometimes causing others to avoid conversation with them. Learn more about how caregiving affects relationships with others besides your family. 

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