Money Management

Caregiving is expensive. Even if you have insurance, you pay for most medical supplies and other essentials out of your savings. All caregivers need supplies but knowing where to find them and which are the best buy for the least amount of money is a challenge. Other caregivers can help give you suggestions with that. Help with all the medical and supply bills may come from applying for Medicare or Medicaid if you qualify. However, rules are very restrictive.

Insurance & Government Assistance

Social Security and Medicare are federal government-sponsored programs that work together to provide qualified working Americans with income and insurance support. To become eligible for benefits, an individual must work enough hours to earn 40 credits. 

Medicaid Services receive joint funding through State and Federal government agencies. Services provided by Medicaid support low socio-economic families in obtaining the assistance they need to meet their daily living requirements, including housing, healthcare, school, and supplies.

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In hospitals, indwelling urinary catheter supplies must be sterile since sterile technique is required; however, in the home environment, clean technique may be used.

Caregiving Expenses

Too many bills after your money runs out. While some caregivers use only a few supplies weekly, many use boxes of supplies every day. Knowing where to buy them, how to get reimbursed, and the least expensive resources for finding them can help save caregivers a lot of money. Furthermore, knowing how to request coverage for medical equipment can make all the difference when applying for medical reimbursement from insurance companies. Find out how to phrase requests and the dos and don’ts of healthcare expense requests.

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