Weathering the storm

Hurricane Irene has moved on now and we fared pretty well.  We lost electricity at 2 pm on Saturday and we still don’t have it back here at 5:30 on Sunday.  Our yard is a mess and we’ve lost everything in our refrigerator but I think the freezer food, for the most part, is okay.  We have a generator running a small air conditioning unit and a friend brought us another one for the freezer which also allowed me to hook up a TV and the computer.

Lynn is feeling really bad though.  Low-pressure systems really hurt him.  He feels like he’s been run over by a truck.  He’s also emotionally hurting.  He’s been on the verge of tears all day because I’m having to do everything to recover from the hurricane.  He’s so frustrated because he can’t help or do it himself.  It has been difficult trying to help him and manage everything in the aftermath plus, I couldn’t sleep much last night.

It’s hard seeing him so upset over his loss of ability to help out. It hurts as a man to have your wife do everything for you and then also handle emergencies as well.  He feels so worthless at times and that’s so hard to see and so hard to help him overcome because the reality is, he can’t do those things anymore and he is limited on how he can help.  I try to help him keep his “manhood” by letting him help as much as possible but I often get frustrated because I just don’t know what I’m doing and it’s not easy for him to explain it to me at times.  I’m pretty dense with mechanical things although I do eventually “get it.”

The power company has us on priority but who knows when we will be fixed since there are probably hundreds also on priority with medical problems.  My daughter has come over to get the gas can to get more fuel for use tonight. Sure hope nothing in the freezer has gone bad since we plan to eat that!

If anyone’s looking for something to do, I know a yard that needs to be cleaned up!

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